
This document will describe the functionality of tools found in the Menu bar. If a menu item has a keyboard shortcut, it will be listed in parentheses. Many of these tools have separate documentation dedicated to them and links can be found in the entries listed below.


  • New Tracking Session - (ctrl+N) This will set the time bar to the current time and will begin a new live tracking session. All previous live data will be cleared. More information can be found here.
  • Open - Allows users to open signal maps and tracking history.
    • File - (ctrl+O) - Allows users to open locally stored signal maps and tracking history. Supported file types are .sigmap, .sigmapx, and .neon.
    • Cloud Signal Map- Allows users to view signal maps stored on NEON Cloud. Files are arranged in folders for each day.
    • Cloud Tracking History - Allows users to view all uploaded paths that took place during a user-defined time frame.
    • Combined Signal Map - Allows users to add an unlimited number of signal maps that are stored locally or on the cloud.
  • Close - This will close the building editor or any currently open signal map or tracking history. It will also start a new tracking session.
  • Save - (ctrl+S) Allows users to locally save the current tracking session or currently open signal map.
  • Import - Allows users to import a shapefile (.shp) to add a building outline. The import function accepts ESRI Shapefiles that contain polygons or multi-polygons. Users with Offline Mode can import exported map data.
  • Export - Allows users to export a .csv file of all current paths. Users with Offline Mode can export buildings and other map data. When viewing signal maps, additional options for reports will be available.
  • Exit - This will close NEON Command. If a signal map or tracking history is open, the user will be prompted to save it before NEON Command is closed.


  • Undo and Redo - (ctrl+Z and ctrl+Y) These actions are only enabled in the Building Editor.
  • Color Maps - Complete documentation on this topic can be found in the Color Map documentation.
  • Preferences - Set user interface and signal mapper preferences in this menu.


  • Create Building - This tool will launch the creation of a new building. More information can be found in the documentation for the Building Editor.
  • Synchronize - (F5) This will force NEON Command to download any updates from the cloud. This will automatically happen every few minutes. Most components (buildings, references, color maps, etc.) will automatically synchronize with the cloud as soon as they are updated by one of the clients.
  • Screenshot - (F6) This will take a screenshot of the visualizer and a prompt to save the screenshot will appear. Screenshots can be saved as a .png file. Visualizer objects not included in the screenshot are the Maps menu, Layers menu, on-screen controls, and elevation sidebar.


  • Check for Updates - This will check if a new version of NEON Command is available. This check will also be performed every time NEON Command is launched.
  • Support - (F1) This will launch the NEON support site in a browser.
  • Report a Problem - This allows users to send a bug report from Command to TRX Systems. It will allow the inclusion of a screenshot to help determine the issue.
  • About NEON Command - Displays a screen with information about the application including version number, node ID, and a link to the EULA.