Nav Lock Indicator

The Nav Lock Indicator displays 1 to 4 bars indicating the ability to maintain the current 2D location accuracy in areas without GPS or infrastructure.

Nav Lock Indicator

Each element in the Nav Lock Indicator is labeled in the image above:

A. Nav Lock Icon - The nav lock icon indicates the current mode of the tracking device.

No Connection Indicates that the current tracker is not connected or tracking is disabled.
Vehicle Mode Indicates the current user is inside a vehicle.
Normal Mode Indicates the current tracker is tracking normally. The number of bars indicates the ability to maintain the current 2D location accuracy. If there is one bar, your Nav Lock is poor, two bars, fair, three bars, good, and four bars, excellent.

Nav Lock Indicator

B. Nav Lock Text - The nav lock text informs the user of the current tracking mode. In normal mode, the text will also display the user’s current 3D location.

Outside Indicates the user is currently outside or on terrain.
Floor ? Indicates the user is inside a building and on a floor but the floor number is not reliable.
Floor # Indicates the user has an accurate 3D location and is currently inside a building and on the specified floor.
Above Floor # Indicates the user is inside a building but above the specified floor.
Below Floor # Indicates the user is inside a building but below the specified floor.

C. GPS Icon - The GPS icon indicates the current status of the user’s GPS Signal

GPS No Signal GPS No Signal - User is not receiving any GPS signal, the user's device does not have GPS functionality, or GPS is disabled.
GPS Weak Signal GPS Weak Signal- User is receiving weak/unusable GPS signals.
GPS Strong Signal GPS Strong Signal - User is receiving usable GPS signals.
GPS Unreliable GPS Unreliable - The GPS signal received does not correlate with the user's position. It could possibly be from a repeater.