How do I find my Subscription ID?

Every subscription is given a unique identifier know as the Subscription ID. This ID is important because it allows TRX to address problems associated specifically with your subscription as well as process renewals. To find your subscription ID first, go to and sign in. In the top right corner of the page click on your email address and then click on Subscription Details. On the Subscription Details page, you will find all of the information about your subscription such as the ID, end date, and a list of users. Your Subscription ID is the first line of the subscription details, as shown in the image below.

What URLs and port numbers do I need to allow through the firewall?

Category URL Port
NEON Cloud Services 443
NEON Cloud Services 443
NEON Cloud Services 443
NEON Cloud Services amqps:// 5671
Satellite Imagery 443
Satellite Imagery 443
Satellite Imagery 443
Terrain Profile 443
Location Search 443
Google Authentication 443
Google Authentication 443

What does initialize/initialization mean?

This term describes the process by which we determine your location, heading, and the other information needed to track you with. How well you are initialized is displayed in the Nav Lock Indicator. Once your Nav Lock displays 4 bars, you are considered initialized and are able to begin mapping or tracking. This initialization will typically hold for 5-10 minutes without any additional constraints.

What if I’m having trouble getting initialized to a four bar Nav Lock?

If you have tried to initialize to 4 bars by using double check-ins and still have trouble, follow this procedure:

  1. Keep tracking unit mounted and upright on your person

    Note : It’s critical that the tracking unit is securely mounted into your body. For more information on mounting your tracking unit, review the “TRX recommended best practices” below.

  2. Keep still for 15 seconds
  3. Power cycle the tracking unt
  4. Attempt to initialize to 4 bars

These are a few general tips to help improve your tracking accuracy and experience with NEON. Additionally, tips can be found in our tutorials and through the other documentation.

  • Make sure the tracking unit firmly is attached to a belt or the top of your pants. The tracking unit is taking inertial measurements of your body, and any random jostling in a pocket or a loose strap may introduce error.
  • Try to position your tracking unit either front and center or back and center. Leaving the unit too far to one side might cause it to miss a few steps and reduce error.
  • Turn the tracking unit on after attaching it to your belt. Random hand movements may accidentally be detected as false steps.
  • If you give the tracking unit to another user after tracking, turn it off and on. This will avoid error being introduced between users. You can also restart your NEON app for a fresh tracking session.
  • If you are using NEON Signal Mapper, be sure to stop and save your signal map every 10 minutes or so. Large signal maps can be more difficult to work with and may increase the effects of an error somewhere in the path. Signal maps can always be viewed together with the combine feature in NEON Command.
  • NEON Signal Mapper and NEON Mapper are active mapping tools, so make sure you are looking at your phone or tablet during use because you may be intermittently asked to check in.
  • Zoom all the way in when you check in. The effect of the check-in is proportional to the zoom level. In other words, the check-in will correct you to the circle around the pin. If you are zoomed out and that circle covers a whole room, then you will be corrected to that room. Whereas if you zoom all the way in so that the circle covers a door, then you will be corrected to that door.
  • If you need to check in outside of your error bounds then it is likely that you will lose your lock and need to initialize again. If the edge of the error bounds is close to your true location then it is better to check in on the edge of the error bounds.
  • When creating a building, try to make the outline as accurate as possible. This outline is used to improve your location accuracy. Only creating a large box over where you may be working will typically reduce accuracy.
  • Whenever possible, add structural features to your building model. These features provide great constraints while you are mapping or tracking, and significantly help to maintain your nav lock.
  • Use accurate floor plans in your building model. While these floor plans do not directly affect NEON, they will affect how accurately you can check in and reflect the accuracy of your path.