LatLong |
Global location in degrees (WGS-84)
LatLongOutline |
An outline defined as a list of Latitude-Longitude pairs that make up an outer hull and a set of inner holes.
LatLongRect |
Not technically a rectangle, but the closest you can get in spherical coordinates, this specifies an area of the world.
NeonBuilding |
A Neon Building is identified with a UUID and contains a collection of building floors,
each with an outline and potentially a floor plan image
NeonBuildingFloor |
A Neon Building Floor is identified by a zero-based floorNumber, and contains
a building outline and potentially a floorplan ID and georeferencing information
for that image
NeonFloorOutline |
A Neon floor outline is composed of a list of LatLongOutlines.
NeonFloorPlan |
A NeonFloorPlan contains a bitmap of the floor plan image,
georeferencing information for the four corners of that image
and the containing NeonBuildingFloor object